Invast Hotels

Hotels & property specialists

Invast Hotels

Hotels & property specialists

Welcome to the website of Invast Hotels, the expert consultants in hotel operations and hotel real estate. We are the specialist hotel and property consultants in the fields of sales and letting services, valuations and hotel consulting. Operating mainly in the Netherlands, but with experience in other countries as well and principals from all continents.

The research conducted by Invast Hotels in finding the right hotel is unique. We have built up a database that contains more than 2,000 Dutch hotels with complete hotel information, including property information and transaction prices. Thanks to this database, we can make highly specific selections when buying, selling, renting or letting hotels, while maintaining contact with operators and investors in both the Netherlands and abroad.

The Invast Hotels team is probably the most experienced team in the Netherlands in terms of conducting hotel valuations, feasibility studies and rent reviews. The valuations are carried out in line with the guidelines of the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) and NRVT (Register of Property Valuers in the Netherlands).

Our hotel clients are highly diverse in background and size but do share a common denominator: they are looking for the best guidance and advice in the field of hotels.

We are looking forward to working for and with you. For more information, please visit our site or contact us directly.

Projects and References


